Análise dos conteúdos de aprendizagem sobre alcoolismo em um livro didático de biologia
This is an analytical bibliographic study of a box inserted in a book present in many public schools in Mato Grosso do Sul and distributed by the National didactic book Program. The chosen subject was the alcoholism in view of its presence not very disguised between the youth and the physical and social evils caused by it. The objective was to perform the analysis of learning contents, from the perspective of Zabala, present in a text of a specific Biology textbook in which the authors insert the theme chosen for analysis. Factual, conceptual, procedural and attitudinal contents were identified, which, being correlated, allow the teacher to mediate the construction of knowledge and also to discuss contextualized and challenging questions to the students.
Keywords: Alcoholis. Content Type. Didactic Book.
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